February 15– 17, 2015
Hamad bin Khalifa University Student Center
Doha, Qatar
Water, energy and quality of life go hand in hand. The food we eat, the houses we live in, the transportation we use and the things we cannot live without determine our quality of life and require sustainable, secured and steady supplies of water and energy. Exponential population growth and the desire for improved standards of living-together with water pollution from industrial use-are rising the water and energy demand, putting serious strain on the quantity of available fresh water and energy sources. In addition, global warming is one of the most serious challenges facing us today.
To protect the health and economic well-being of current and future generations, we must reduce emissions (carbon footprint) make use of alternative, renewable sources of energy, and reclaim and reuse water.
Science and engineering play vital and increasing roles in securing the current and future needs of both society and the planet Earth-from carbon capture to sustainable energy generation, from water supply to waste management-by developing new technologies, know-how and practical solutions. Meeting the exponentially growing water and energy demands required to improve quality of life and securing sustainable energy and water supplies are important challenges for scientists and engineers today.
This workshop, organized with the support of British Council and Texas A&M University at Qatar, encourages young academic and industrial researchers in the early stages of their careers to present their stimulating research and knowledge-transfer ideas in water and energy.
Organized and sponsored by:
Sunday, 15 February
The Role of Technology in Addressing the World’s Challenges in Water, Energy and Food
Speaker: Adel Sharif, Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, Qatar
Low Fouling and Energy Consumption Two–stage forward and Reverse Osmosis Desalination Process
Speaker: Malak Hamdan, Surrey University, UK
State of the Art of Model-based Research in Seawater Desalination
Speaker: Iqbal Mujtaba, University of Bradford, UK
Energy Efficiency Improvements by Fouling Mitigation in Oil Refineries
Speaker: Francesco Coletti, Imperial College London, UK
Sustainable Approaches for Abnormal Situation Management
Speaker: Kazi Khoda, Qatar University, Qatar
Energy-efficient Thermal Retrofit Options for Crude Oil Transport in Pipelines
Speaker: Emilio Diaz-Bejarano, Imperial College London, UK
Environmentally Benign Biodiesel Production from Renewable Sources
Speaker: Basu Saha, London South Bank University, UK
Gas-to-liquid Technology Research at Texas A&M Qatar and its Potentials
Speaker: Nimir Elbashir, Texas A&M University at Qatar, Qatar
Energy-efficient Heat Exchange and Catalysis: The UNIHEAT Project
Speaker: Sandro Macchietto, Imperial College London, UK
Morphology–dependent Photocatalytic Performance of Oxide Semiconductors and Their Importance for Environmental and Energy Applications
Speaker: Dong Suk Han,Texas A&M University at Qatar, Qatar
Monday, 16 February
Techno-economic Assessment of CO2 Quality Effect on its Storage and Transport (CO2QUEST)
Speaker: Haroun Mahgerefteh, University College London, UK
The Role of Molecular Thermodynamics in Developing Industrial Processes and Novel Products that Meet the needs for a Sustainable Future
Speaker: Ioannis Economou,Texas A&M University at Qatar, Qatar
Heat Integration Study of Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant Integrated with Post-combustion CO2 Capture and Compression
Speaker: Xiaobo Luo, Hull University, UK
CO2 Solubility Performance of Deep Eutectic Solvents
Speaker: Mert Atilhan, Qatar University, Qatar
GHG Footprint Reduction through Carbon Integration
Speaker: Patrick Linke, Texas A&M University at Qatar, Qatar
Role of Alternative Aviation Fuels on Reducing the Carbon Footprint
Speaker: Kumaran Kannaiyan, Texas A&M University at Qatar, Qatar
Study of Process Intensification for Post–combustion CO2 through Modelling and Simulation
Speaker: Meihong Wang, Hull University, UK
Evaluation and Modeling of Demand and Generation at Distribution Level for Smart Grid Implementation
Speaker: Haile Rajamani, University of Bradford, UK
Synthetic Fuel Formulation from Natural Gas via GTL: A Synopsis and the Path Forward
Speaker: Elfatih Elmalik, Texas A&M University at Qatar, Qatar
Use of Ultrasound for Monitoring Reaction Kinetics of Biodiesel Synthesis: Experimental and Theoretical Studies
Speaker: Raj Patel, University of Bradford, UK
Overview of Water and Environmental Research Activities at Texas A&M University at Qatar
Speaker: Ahmed Abdel-Wahab, Texas A&M University at Qatar, Qatar
Towards Sustainable Water Management in Industrial Cities
Speaker: Saba Alnouri, Texas A&M University at Qatar, Qatar
Tuesday, 17 February
Optimal Valve Spacing for Next Generation CO2 Pipelines
Speaker: Solomon Brown, University College London, UK
Advanced Oxidation Processes for the Removal of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Enhanced Water Treatment
Speaker: Chedly Tizaoui, Swansea University, UK
Incorporation of Life Cycle Assessment into the Systematic Synthesis of Wastewater Treatment Plants
Speaker: Miao Guo (Imperial College London, UK)
On the Performance of Porous Covalent Organic Polymers for CO2 Capture Process at Elevated Pressures
Speaker: Ruh Ullah, Qatar University, Qatar