Dr. Hasan is a Professor of Petroleum Engineering at Texas A&M University. Prior to joining TAMU, Dr. Hasan headed the Chemical Engineering Departments at University of Minnesota, Duluth (UMD), and University of North Dakota (UND) Grand Forks, and directed UND’s doctoral program in Energy Engineering. Dr. Hasan, an expert in the areas of production engineering, focuses on modeling complex transport processes in various elements of petroleum production systems. He has pioneered systematic modeling of heat transfer in wellbores. He applies heat and fluid flow modeling to production safety analysis, wellbore integrity analysis, flow assurance, wellbore solids (wax, asphaltene, hydrates) deposition issues, flow metering, and pressure transient testing. Dr. Hasan has over 70 refereed journal publications and has authored many reports for various organizations. His book on Fluid and Heat Transfer in Wellbores is considered a definitive work in the area and is used as a text in many institutions.
Wellbore Fluid Flow
Our primary focus is modeling Gas and Oil flow through petroleum production system. Our model for multiphase flow of gas-liquid has found wide use in the industry and is a standard feature in many commercial packages.
Wellbore Heat Transfer
We have pioneered systemic modeling of heat transfer in wellbores. My work in this area is heavily cited and our book on the subject is considered a definitive work. Numerous consulting assignments have kept my work relevant to the industry.
I plan working on developing heat transfer models for subsea completion in deep water settings. Thermal analysis of umbilical cords in extreme temperature and pressure changes that occur during production and well shut-in for GOM ultra-deepwater reservoirs is important to the industry.
Transient Transport Processes
We have broken new ground in modeling transient flow of heat, mass, and momentum in wellbores. Models are useful in analyzing transient test data, annulus pressure buildup, and rate estimation.
Future work in this area includes modeling wellbore transient heat transfer to convert wellhead pressure during water injection in unconventional formations. Analysis of warmback data to improve DTS visualization and interpretation is another important future research topic for me.
Wellbore Integrity and Safety
Modeling production annulus and tubing pressure behavior to estimate fluid and/or heat ingress en route to determining well integrity. Applying the principles of transient transport processes to model gas kick and well bolwouts.