Dr. Hassan’s research interests include Heat Transfer, Multiphase Flow in Porous Media, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), Power Generation with CO2 Capture, Micro Fluidics, Thermal MEMS. The research conducted by Dr. Hassan present state-of-the-art solutions to applications found in industries such as power plants, oil and gas recovery, gas turbines, and sustainable energy.
Dr. Ibrahim Hassan, professor at Texas A&M University at Qatar, has over twenty years of research experience in the field of Thermal Fluid Sciences and Energy. His research interests include Heat Transfer, Gas Turbines, Multiphase Flow, CFD, Thermal MEMS and Renewable Energy. The research conducted by Dr. Hassan presents state-of-the-art solutions to applications found in industries such as power, petroleum, electronics, aerospace, solar energy and bioengineering. In particular, his work has led to robust and accurate models and codes for fundamental problems in internal and external flows for predicting both heat transfer and fluid characteristics in complex geometry constructions and thermal devices. Before joining Texas A&M University at Qatar, Dr. Hassan has established projects for thermal microsystems and gas turbine cooling technologies, at Concordia University in Montreal. He has received external funding through NSERC, CFI, CRIAQ, MDEIE, and PWC in Montreal. Dr. Hassan has recently received the prestigious NSERC “National Science and Research Council of Canada” Discovery Accelerator Supplement (DAS) Award in 2010-2013. Dr. Hassan has published over 220 articles in refereed journals and conference proceedings.
Following is a summary of Dr. Hassan’s current projects:
Gas Turbine Macro and Micro Cooling:
Advanced and innovative cooling techniques are essential for further improvement in the efficiency and power output of gas turbines. Dr. Hassan’s projects focus on the development of advanced cooling schemes for the next generation of gas turbines, by providing detailed experimental and computational investigations of its heat transfer and fluid mechanics. He designed and constructed state-of-the-art heat transfer test facilities using the liquid crystal thermography for heat transfer measurements and stereoscopic particle image velocimetry for flow structure measurements. Dr. Hassan has also performed fundamental studies related to heat transfer and aerodynamics of turbine cooling, e.g., 1- effects of turbine inlet temperature on rotor blade tip leakage flow and heat transfer, 2- rotational effects on film cooling, 3- unsteady heat transfer analysis of film cooling flow, and 4- effects of shock waves on film cooling performance. Pratt and Whitney Canada, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Canada Innovation for Foundation, and Synergetic Research and Innovation in Aerospace, provided the external support for Dr. Hassan’s projects.
Thermal and Microfluidic MEMS Devices:
Key Words: Thermal MEMS, BioMEMS, Micro-Scale Heat Transfer, Micro Fluidics, Multiphase Flow, Boiling Heat Transfer, Micro Heat Sinks, Micropumps, Micro Mixers, Microsensors, Lab-on-a-chip, Cooling of Solar Photovoltaic Cells, mTLC Thermography, mPIV Measurements, Analytical Modeling.
Micro thermal and fluidic devices will continue to become an integral part of today’s postmodern society. With the progression of technology comes the demand for smaller devices to perform the work needed in a complex device. Examples include micro heat sinks for electronics cooling, and lab-on-a-chip for medical drug discovery process. It is imperative that the fluid mechanics and heat transfer in these micro devices are clearly understood for the development of such systems. Dr. Hassan has focused in his research projects on fundamental issues related to heat transfer mechanisms in micro-devices, which require high heat transfer rates within a small footprint area, e.g., 1- flow regimes and pressure drop in micro-channels, 2- two-phase flow instability in microtubes, 3- dry-out incipience for flow boiling in micro-channels, and 4- turbulent heat transfer in the thermal entrance region of micro channels.