K-12 Education for DIRE-FEWS
Strategic Need:
“Children are psychologically vulnerable and may develop post-traumatic stress disorder or related symptoms; are physically vulnerable to death, injury, illness, and abuse; and often experience disruptions or delays in their educational progress as a result of disasters.…… In order to promote children’s resilience to disasters, we must improve their access to resources, empower them by encouraging their participation, offer support, and ensure equitable treatment.”
– Lori Peek,Professor in the Department of Sociology and Director of the Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado Boulder Peek, L., 2008. Children and disasters: Understanding vulnerability, developing capacities, and promoting resilience—An introduction. Children Youth and Environments, 18(1), pp.1-29.
We anticipate that large scale systemic changes will be needed in the future in a post-COVID-19 world due to prolonged disruptions facing students and schools. Combined disasters have a compounding effect, especially on young children, and active engaging pedagogical methods will help in the development of these young minds. We propose developing and disseminating a STEM and literacy program that adopts an accelerated learning intervention method. The education content will include, among others, aspects of disaster management, and the nexus between food, energy, and water.
DIRE-FEWS @ STEM4Innovation
STEM4Innovation is a virtual, interactive experiential event for K-12 STEM educators, administrators, and counselors from across Texas. Texas A&M Engineering, in partnership with colleges from across Texas A&M University, brings you a full day of speakers, breakout sessions, activities, and exhibitors.